Chord Signature Super ARAY AES/EBU XLR

Chord Company
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The Signature AES/EBU is built from three conductors, each separately shielded with a composite twin layer shield. Single crystal Continuous Cast Copper carries the signals, insulation is a gas foamed polyethylene and the composite dual layer shield functions both as an effective shield and a very resistive conductive layer, which makes it perfect for use with digital cables. The tri-coaxial configuration is unusual but extremely effective. Chord use the same construction method with many of their XLR terminated analogue interconnects as well, including the mighty Sarum balanced interconnects.

The Signature AES/EBU is heavily influenced by Chord's Sarum cables. The tri conductor configuration means that they can produce a balanced digital cable that closely follows the wiring geometry they use in so many of their other high performance cables. The Signature AES/EBU is fitted with their favourite Neutrik XLR connectors, and crucial to the performance, great care is taken with strain relief in order to avoid an impedance changing compression on the cables.

These cables bring a real sense of musical coherence to hi-fi systems.


  • High purity solid core oxygen free copper signal conductors
  • Low density foamed polyethylene insulation
  • Multi layer composite high frequency effective shielding system
  • High quality Neutrik™ XLR connectors
  • Hand built by the Chord Company