Chord Sarum T Super ARAY Power Cable UK Plug

Chord Company
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Chord Sarum T builds on the hugely successful Sarum Super Tuned ARAY cable range. The Sarum T range introduces Chord’s very own insulation material, Taylon, bringing a major performance upgrade. Previous Sarum ranges have used PTFE insulation, however the upgrade to Taylon introduces a huge wealth of performance benefits.

Chord discovered Taylon, a new, high-technology alternative to PTFE in 2015. Taylon eliminates the temperature related phase instability and mechanical variation that hinders the sonic and musical performance of PTFE. This breakthrough led to the creation of the flagship ChordMusic range, which Chord have now fed down into the Chord Sarum T RCA Interconnect.

Combining Taylon® insulated conductors, and Chord’s most advanced Super ARAY technology, Chord Sarum T offers a huge upgrade in performance over the Sarum Tuned ARAY range. It offers the same natural sense of rhythm, pace, musical energy and presence that ChordMusic delivers, but in a simplified design that costs considerably less.

The perfect complement to Sarum T signal-carrying products, the power cable provides a super-high-quality build, with uncompromising materials and shielding to minimise the noise floor and add nothing to the musical performance. All the internal elements use Taylon® to their best advantage, bringing peace of mind when it comes to supplying expensive electronics with essential power.